The Muppets’ Wizard of Oz follows a young woman named Dorothy Gale who dreams of becoming a singer but is unable to pursue her dreams. After being swept up by a tornado with her pet prawn Toto, Dorothy embarks on a journey to meet the Wizard of Oz, the person who both Dorothy and the citizens of Oz believe can help make her dream come true.
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Quality: HD
Year: 2005
Duration: 87 Min
Director:Kirk R. Thatcher
Cast:Adam Behr, Alice Dinnean, Allan Trautman, Ashanti, Bill Barretta, Brian Henson, C. Ernst Harth, Dan Payne, Dave Goelz, David Alan Grier, Drew Massey, Edward Hibbert, Eric Jacobson, Geoff Redknap, Gord Robertson, James Rowley, Jeffrey Tambor, Jeny Cassady, John E. Kennedy, John Henson, Julianne Buescher, Kelly Osbourne, Kevin Clash, Mike Quinn, Queen Latifah, Quentin Tarantino, Rickey Boyd, Steve Whitmire, Tyler Bunch